EE436/636 course materials (10/8/2007):


Class notes and slides:

  1. Introduction to real-time digital processing systems: Slides1_1, Slides1_2
  2. ADC&DAC: Class notes, Slides2_1, Slides2_2
  3. Digital Filter Implementation: Class notes, Slides3_1
  4. Filter Sensitivity and Quantization Error: Class notes, Slides4_1
  5. FIR Filter Design Methods: Class notes, Slides5_1
  6. IIR Filter Design Methods: Class notes, Slides6_1
  7. Discrete Fourier Transform and Frequency Analysis: Class notes, Slides7_1
  8. Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS): Class notes

Laboratory sessions (420RC):

Exercise problems: filter design and DFT  

Text book Home work Solutions: solutions.pdf ; 2nd Edition Text Solutions: solutions_2nd.pdf

Old Quizzes and Solutions: quiz1ans.pdf, quiz2ans.pdf, quiz3ans.pdf, quiz4ans.pdf, quiz5ans.pdf

Current Quizzes and Solutions: quiz1ans.pdf , quiz2ans.pdf , quiz3ans.pdf, quiz4ans.pdf, quiz5ans.pdf


1        Linear phase filter Park-McClellan Method (firdesign_samples.m).

2        Matlab samples of FIR filter design for the frequency sampling method (fslnrimpl.m) and Park-McClellan Method (ee436fircscd.m) with cascade linear phase implementation.

3        The Matlab code for filter coefficient quantization and HEX conversion (qc2hex.m and qc2hexf.m). qc2hexf will write the filter coefficients into a file for easy data exchange. Here is the m-file, pmhex2dec.m, converting a signed hex vector to a signed integer vector.

4        Reference frame works (RF3) director for DSK5510 board is located at “..\referenceframeworks22\apps\rf3_ee436” directory with target specific dsk5510 module in \dsk5510. (subdirectory \dsk6x11 is not used for the current DSK5510 target board at 420RC and you don’t need to copy it when you try to generate your own applications.)

5        Slides_codedev shows the program code and file structures of reference frame works.

6        Zipped rf3_ee436_fir_xue contains the folder with the application code to use the cascaded linear phase filter implementation. You can modify this code for your experiment. Like the others, this directory should also reside in the folder, “..\referenceframeworks22\apps\”. Within the subdirectory “dsk5510”, there is a library file “fir_xue.l55l” which needs to be moved to the folder: “..\referenceframeworks22\lib\”. And you need to move one file: “ifircscd.h” to the folder: “..\referenceframeworks22\include\” before rebuilding the application project.  

7        Zipped fir_xue contains the project “fir_xue55l.prj” files for develop a XDAIS algorithm. The directory should reside in the folder “..\referenceframeworks22\apps\”. If you make any modification in the file: “ifircscd.h”, you need to copy this file to the folder: “..\referenceframeworks22\include\” before rebuilding the application (app.prj) project.   When you rebuild the “fir_xue55l.prj” a new library file “fir_xue.l55l” will be generated in the folder “..\referenceframeworks22\lib\”. You need to back it up to your diskette in the folder where your old “fir_xue55.prj” is stored (for late use so you don’t have to rebuild it again).

8        The introduction to XDAIS algorithm standards and step-by-step process of developing a XDAIS algorithm are presented in the Slides_FIRchange. The development is illustrated via an example of cascaded linear phase FIR filter implementation. The two bandpass filters implemented in the code have different passing band gains. You need to adjust the scope scale to read the output signals from the left and right channels.

9        The GEL file appgetch.gel let you open a dialog box to input variables from the keyboard. As you click the execution, the variables are sent to the target program. Using Help in CCS (index: GEL dialog keyword) for more information. This is more efficient than using getchar() or gets() functions.

10    LOG_printf(&logTrace, "The percentage of gain is: %d", deviceControlsIOArea[1]);” statement can let you print a variable or a string in “Message Log” window. To open the “Message Log”, click the “DSP/BIOS” and then “Message Log”.  The file thrControl.c has the statement added to print the volume gain in the Message Log window. You can replace the old file and rebuild to run. Don’t foget to load GEL file appgetch.gel to input the gain value. LOG_printf() is much more efficient than printf() function. 


  1. DSP Assignment I
  2. DSP Assignment II
  3. DSP Assignment III 
  4. DSP Assignment IV


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