Department of Computer Science and Engineering

            CS 776 Spring 2009       Assignment 2 (15 pts) (Due: May 29)              Prasad


1. Presentation on Programming Languages (10 pts)

Pick up any one of the following languages for in-class presentation (2 per team):

2. Modular Hash Table (5 pts)

Refer to Ullman's Text. Page 281. Exercises 8.3.3 and 8.3.4.

Develop programs in SML.

How to turnin the solution?

     Name your solution files asg2.sml and asg2.hs, and turn it in electronically on unixapps1.wright.edu by executing the following command. Note that sample test cases and documentation should be included as comments in the turned-in files.

tcsh% /common/public/tkprasad/cs776/turnin-pa2  fl.ppt asg2.sml 

T. K. Prasad   (03/31/2009)