Department of Computer Science
and Engineering

CS 884 Winter 2003                   Final Examination (40 pts)                           Prasad

1. Inheritance and Binding (15 pts)

Does the following program compile without errors? If so proceed further. If not, delete as little as possible (the smallest sub-expression) to get an error-free compile before proceeding further.

Now determine the output of the following Java program.

class Parent {
     static int sv = 4;
            int iv = 8;
     static int SF() { return sv; }
            int IF() { return iv; }
class Child extends Parent {
     static int sv = 3;
            int iv = 6;
     static int SF() { return sv; }
            int IF() { return iv; }
            int GG() { return super.iv; }
class Finals {
  public static void main (String [] args) {

       Child  c = new Child(); 
       Parent p = c;

       System.out.println(  " p.SF() = " +  p.SF()
                          + " \t c.SF() = " +  c.SF() );

       System.out.println(  " p.IF() = " +  p.IF()
                          + " \t c.IF() = " +  c.IF() + "\n" );
       System.out.println(  " ( (Parent) c).iv = "   +  ((Parent) c).iv    + "\n"
                          + " ( (Parent) c).IF() = " +  ((Parent) c).IF()  + "\n"
                          + " c.GG() = " +  c.GG() + "\n" );

       System.out.println(  " ( (Child) p).iv = "   +  ((Child) p).iv    + "\n"
                          + " ( (Child) p).SF() = " +  ((Child) p).SF()  + "\n"
                          + " p.GG() = " +  p.GG() + "\n" );




2. Overloading (10 pts)

Java method header declaration syntax is given in Section  8.4 (Pages 167-187) of the  JLS book. Informally, the method header consists of   modifiers, followed by   type/void, followed by  identifier, followed by  typed formal parameter list, followed by  throws-clause. Explain clearly  all the restrictions that must be satisfied by a legal  overload of a method in a class. 

3. General (10 pts)

Comment on the validity of each of the following statements supplying adequate justification.

(a) A private instance method of a class is not accessible in a subclass, and hence cannot be overridden.

(b) Two threads running synchronized instance methods on two separate instances of a class are guaranteed to access static fields of the class object in a mutually exclusive fashion.

(c) The Java Language Spec guarantees that every Java program will generate identical results when run on different platforms.

4. Finalization (5 pts)

Explain clearly the conditions under which a Java run-time system is not permitted to immediately recycle memory that is unreachable from the roots (reference variables on run-time stack, registers, static data structures, etc) of the program, to avoid dangling references.


T. K. Prasad